Irish Food & Drink

If you go hungry in Ireland, it’s your own damned fault!

Let’s go!

If you stay at any B&B in Ireland, breakfast is a huge event. The traditional “full fry” might include any or all of the following: eggs, ham, sausage, mushrooms, tomatoes, black pudding, white pudding, cereal, porridge, toast, butter, jam, yogurt, fruit, juice, coffee, or tea. I would not want to turn this start of the day into a lifestyle, but I recommend experiencing this hearty feast at least once in your lifetime. Tip: You will not insult your hosts if you opt for less than the full fry, but get your request in before they start cooking or you just might get more meat than you can handle!
An uncommon, healthier alternative to the full fry.
Bangers and mash.
Shepherd’s pie
Adult beverages are also a big part of Irish culture, but Guinness is not the only game in town. Enjoy a top-notch Irish whiskey or hard cider over ice
Fish and chips
…and finish the evening with a toast of Irish Coffee for dessert! Sláinte!
Finally, don’t miss the chance to enjoy the festive atmosphere, period food and drink, and lively entertainment at a Medieval Banquet… touristy to be sure, but you’ll have a blast and be glad you did!